Celebrate Christmas at Meetinghouse.
Cozy up this Advent and Christmas season as we gather together in community and reflect upon the birth and gift of Jesus in our lives.

"The dark is not an end. It’s a door. It’s the way a new beginning comes."
Welcome to Advent friends! This year our theme is “Follow the Light!” In a favorite scene from the Christmas story we are told about the visit of wise astrologers from the East. In their search for wisdom, justice, compassion, and a king, they followed a star, which led them to Bethlehem and the vulnerable holy family. They attuned themselves to the light, and though they may not have known where it would lead, they chose to follow it.
Likewise, the Advent season offers an opportunity to reorient ourselves to the light of God’s presence in the world. God’s deepest longing and intentions for this world is that it would know wholeness and experience a flourishing life. These promises are made manifest in Jesus, who is a friend and companion to all. So this year, as we journey together, may we experience anew God’s presence and love as we follow the light, seeking to be a source of light to everyone around us!
As we enter this season of Advent, we invite the entire church to come together for a beautiful practice of reflection and anticipation. During this time of change and growth, we look to the words of Jesus, who told us to “become like little children.” We will follow the youngest among us to pause, reflect and wonder at the divine mystery of the coming of Christ, as we explore “All Creation Waits: The Advent Mystery of New Beginnings,” by Gayle Boss.
There are two versions of the book: one for adults, and one for kids. The kid’s version will be a part of an advent kit, which includes an ornament craft and supplies for each day, a tea light holder created by Meetinghouse kids, and a bookmark. You may pre-order kits here. A limited number of adult books and advent kits will be available for purchase in person after Sunday service.
In addition, we have a group of talented young artisans creating something special, which will be shared online each day during Advent. More info to follow!

Poinsettia Sale
At this special time of year, please consider remembering or honoring a loved one by donating a poinsettia to decorate the Meetinghouse during the Advent/Christmas season. A list of the donors and those remembered or honored will be included in the bulletin on Sunday, December 15th.

Carols & Cocoa
Back by popular demand, join us for Carols and Cocoa!
Each Sunday morning in December, at 9:00am, Tom Rowland will lead a selection of carols featuring classics like Joy to the World, Deck the Halls, Silent Night, Hark! The Herald Angels Sing alongside many other carols new and old.
So grab a cup of hot cocoa (or coffee) and gather around the fireplace as we sing familiar Christmas carols before entering Sunday morning worship.
– Date: December 1st, 8th, 15th, and 22nd
– Time: 9:00 – 9:30am
– Location: North Commons
– Cost: None
Register: None required — just bring your singing voice!

Advent Adult Ed Book Discussion
God with Us: Seeing God Through the Lowly Jesus
Sunday, December 1st & 8th at 11:00am in the Hearth Room + YouTube
It is customary for Christians to see and be devoted to Jesus as God-in-the-flesh. Naturally, this has led many Christians to ascribe to Jesus some of the great and powerful attributes of God. But what if the story of Jesus also offers another view of who God is? What if one point of the gospel story is the invitation to begin to see God through the eyes of the lowly?
This is the encouragement we find in Philippians 2:5-7, a passage known as the “Christ Hymn.” In this hymn we are invited to reflect on the self-emptying of Jesus as God’s act of solidarity with the lowly, and to understand the exaltation of Jesus as God’s affirmation of the lowly and humankind more broadly.
Please join us for two sessions during Advent as we explore this passage and consider the practical implications for Christian communities!

Lake Wobegon Brass Band Concert
Join us for a fun and festive evening with the Lake Wobegon® Brass Band benefiting Giving Voice Crosstown.
There’s no cost. A free-will donation will be received that will benefit Giving Voice Crosstown, a choral community for people with Alzheimer’s and dementia, caregivers, and volunteers. Learn more about the Lake Wobegon® Brass Band by visiting www.lwbb.org and Giving Voice Crosstown.

Women's Christmas Brunch
"The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who lived in a land of deep darkness on them light has shined."
Please join us for our annual Women’s Christmas Brunch. Our theme this year is “Light”, come and hear Cathy Kolwey’s teachings.
Tickets available by check or cash at the reception desk or online.
Registration ends December 4th.

Senior's Concert
Prayer Reflections and Carol Sing
We look forward to seeing you at this year’s Senior’s Connect Advent/Christmas Prayer Reflections and Carol Sing!
The program includes Advent/Christmas prayer reflections and carol singing. We’ll have musician friends joining us to add some extra “fa-la-la-la-la!”
Bring your friends and a “bag” lunch. Coffee and dessert will be provided, join us in the Hearth Room!

Giving Voice
Crosstown Concert
Join us in supporting our Giving Voice Crosstown Chorus as they perform a concert on Friday, December 13th at 11am in the Great Hall. Giving Voice Crosstown uses the power of music to create connection and well-being for people with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia.
The chorus will perform several selections on their own, followed by an audience sing-along of familiar holiday music. A free will offering will be collected to support this important ministry, and treats and coffee will be served following the concert.

Christmas Festival
Featuring a Service of Lessons & Carols
Celebrate the season with us at our Christmas Festival!
– Carols & Cocoa – 9:00 am in the North Commons.
– Lessons and Carols Combined Service – 9:30 am in the Meetinghouse.
– Food, kids activities, Missions activities, Fair Anita, and fun – following service.

Christmas Services
Celebrate the advent of God's greatest gift this Christmas Eve at either of our services.
Kids & Family Service
– Date: December 24th
– Time: 3:00pm
– Location: The Meetinghouse & YouTube
– Cost: None
Register: None required.
Traditional Candlelight Service
– Date: December 24th
– Time: 8:00pm
– Location: The Meetinghouse & YouTube
– Cost: None
Register: None required.
Join us in the Hearth Room for a Christmas Eve reception after the 8:00 pm service.