Worship Services at 9:00am and 10:45am starting February 2nd

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Mission Highlight

See which mission partners we're featuring this month.

During April, we are highlighting three of our international partners: Mercy Ministries, John and Caroline Mosonik, and Sam Owen. Meetinghouse has partnered with these ministries for over 20 years. To learn more about these mission partners and the other ways you can provide support, read the mission highlights below.

Doing good for Christ's sake isn't just our history - it's our ongoing commitment to our neighbors.

Give to International Partners

To donate to these three mission partners, use Pushpay and select “Missions Special Gifts” or write your check to Meetinghouse Church and designate “Missions Special Gifts”. Contributions received during the month of April will be split between the three ministries.

Mercy Ministries

Mercy Ministries is a Christian non-profit organization whose mission is to embrace and support the orphaned and most vulnerable individuals as they share the gospel of Christ. They provide free education to children, special education for those with special needs from under resourced homes, and food for families in their community. 

One highlight of the work this past year includes successfully maintaining a population of 259 pupils in the 2023 term; one composed of orphans and vulnerable children between the ages of 4 and 18. The commitment and devotion of both students and teachers made possible their continued success and this was a major blessing. Sharing the good news of Jesus continues to be the core purpose of their ministry which has been hampered by financial challenges. Mercy Ministries celebrates that they were still able to do one evangelistic event this year. They also celebrated that their food distribution program continued in the midst of financial inconsistencies.  

Areas experiencing challenges include the Secondary School sponsorships, and meal support for university/college students which were scaled back due to insufficient funds. In addition, they were forced to scale back their programs to their partner mission community schools. In the midst of these challenges and disappointments, Mercy Ministries has seen the hand of God regarding healing and good health received through prayer and the ongoing financial support from Meetinghouse Church.

We invite you to pray specifically:

  • * For ways to build up the ministry staff by the filling of positions in administration, teachers and the support team that is dedicated to the work.
  • * For more partnership support to help meet the annual budget.

John Mosonik

John Mosonik is Director of Children Ministries in Kenya through International Christian Ministries (ICM). His ministry includes training Sunday School Teachers and Youth Workers and conducting Seminars to support families throughout East Africa.  John’s wife, Caroline, works with New Moms in Prayer groups throughout several regions in Kenya. God has been doing great things! Highlights from this past year include their ability to reach 212 youth with the Gospel by doing Vacation Bible School (VBS) as their major program. Within this program, they provide certificates to both teachers and students. Caroline has continued her ministry and training for Praying Moms working with 145 women. The Mosonik’s largest impact continues to be in the training of church educators, youth workers, and Sunday school teachers, who are caring for hundreds of kids each week all over Kenya.

They have seen God at work as lives are touched through their ministry as a family.  Their son, Kenneth and his wife are missionaries doing work at a Methodist church in Kenya as well.

They feel all this is possible through the prayer and financial support from Meetinghouse Church.

We invite you to pray specifically:

  • * For funding for the work related to young women needing personal hygiene products.
  • * For program development as they provide support for widows and families through seminars.

Sam Owen

Sam lives in Nairobi, Kenya and works with the Kenya National Prayer Breakfast in partnership with the National Parliament and also supports the Africa Youth Leadership Forum (AYLF).

Sam continues to interact with individuals and small groups with regard to personal development and faith growth.  Through Sam’s work, he motivates the household of faith to change the country of Kenya away from corrupt practices and seeking to creating a just and equitable place for all Kenyans.  These groups represent the foundation for their once-a-year Kenya National Prayer Breakfast hosted by the National Parliament which hosts over 3,000 political, business, and civil service leaders.

Sam has seen the hand of God work as he continues to connect to key leadership in all areas of Kenya’s culture. For instance, they recently had an annual Men’s Gathering whose speaker was the President of Prison Fellowship International.  Through Sam, they approached him and suggested that they might be introduced to the Chief Justice (CJ) of the Supreme Court. This was important because of the work the Prison Fellowship (PF) is doing around the world. Sam  sent a message to the CJ and four days later they had a wonderful meeting.  The Judiciary in Kenya has been taking progressive steps to “depopulate” Kenya prisons with petty offenders and PFI could be of great help in helping them do that. These situations happen all the time. Though the work of Sam’s ministry and strategic friendships, partnerships happen consistently and miraculously. Because of Sam’s ministry and length of time in Kenya, he is a trusted friend, colleague, and voice, through out East Africa.

We invite you to pray specifically:

  • * For the top leadership in Kenya and the impact of the Kenya National Prayer Breakfast which has earned the reputation of being a place where reconciliation takes place. Currently, tensions are running high between the Opposition and the Ruling Party in the country.
  • * For those in the National Parliament who also assist in hosting the annual Kenya National Prayer Breakfast.  It is stronger than it’s ever been and yet there is a need for “deepening” the Fellowship and reaching out to others in that body.  
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