Doing good for Christ's sake isn't just our history - it's our ongoing commitment to our neighbors.
Mission Highlight
See which mission partners we're featuring this month.
During February, we are highlighting three of our local partners who serve the community in different and meaningful ways; FreedomWorks, Whittier Wildflower Preschool, and Young Life. Read the mission highlight below to learn more about these three organizations and how you can provide support.
FreedomWorks has been helping ex-offenders transform their lives since the founding in 2004. The ministry is Christ-centered and provides affordable housing, mentors, life skills training and addiction recovery partners on the campus. FreedomWorks is able to walk with men and women residents as they learn to trust God through Bible study, personal accountability, service, and fellowship.
- * In need of mentors and volunteers for various programs!
- * Volunteer at the Bread of Life Food Pantry – help is needed with organizing, sorting, and cleaning which is done during the day.
Interested in volunteering? Email Elaine Heltne to get started.
To donate financially in support of this organization, please use Pushpay and select “Missions Special Gifts” or write your check to Meetinghouse Church and designate “Missions Special Gifts.” Contributions received during the month of February will be split between the three organizations being highlighted this month.
We invite you to pray specifically:
- * As they transition to Phase 3 & 4 of the Food Initiative and launch JailBreakers Catering.
- * In raising $300,000 to meet fiscal year-end needs by March 31 ‘23 and then raising funds for ‘23-’24 to provide support for 150 participants.
Whittier Wildflowers Preschool
Whittier Wildflowers Preschool provides access to high-quality and affordable early childhood education which is a significant problem in the Twin Cities, disproportionately impacting families of color. They are on a mission to bridge this gap by providing just that in the Whittier neighborhood in Minneapolis.
Learn more about Whittier Wildflowers Preschool in this video.
- * Volunteer as a classroom helper (weekly or 2x/month) supporting the teachers by reading and playing with the children. Volunteers are trained and go through a background check. Talk with Betty Cooke and Jill Lindsey to hear about their experiences at WWP!
- * Connect at Family Fun Night Dinner: Thursday, 2/23, 5:30 – 7:00 PM. Whittier Wildflowers families will join together for dinner, fun and learning together! Help with set up and pasta dinner prep (either 12:30 – 2:30 or 4:00 – 5:30 PM) and clean up 6:30 – 7:30 PM.
Interested in volunteering? Email Elaine Heltne to get started.
To donate financially in support of this organization, please use Pushpay and select “Missions Special Gifts” or write your check to Meetinghouse Church and designate “Missions Special Gifts”. Contributions received during the month of February will be split between the three organizations being highlighted this month.
We invite you to pray specifically:
- * that they continue to be a place of hope and great learning in the community they serve.
- * In need of a few more classroom volunteers to regularly be in the classrooms playing and reading with the children.
- * that God would provide guidance and wisdom for their growing board of directors, as they begin enrolling for their new summer camp, and planning for next school year. May God bring together the families, staff and supporters that are called to be a part of Whittier Wildflowers Preschool.
Young Life
Young Life introduces adolescents to Jesus Christ and helps them grow in their faith. They do that by seeking the lost, building genuine relationships with kids and caring for the least among us by showing up and walking with them through every avenue of life.
- * Bring and/or pay for a meal for one of the YL clubs.
- * Join the YL Advisory Board or the Minneapolis YL Committee.
- * Provide gift cards that can be shared with families and teen moms in need.
Interested in volunteering? Email Elaine Heltne to get started.
To donate financially in support of this organization, please use Pushpay and select “Missions Special Gifts” or write your check to Meetinghouse Church and designate “Missions Special Gifts”. Contributions received during the month of February will be split between the three organizations being highlighted this month.
We invite you to pray specifically:
- * As they seek to love kids well, share the amazing love of our creator and as they seek to meet some of their kids’ physical needs in order to erase some barriers from their ability to trust the Lord!
- * Trusting in the Lord to raise their budget and recruiting more volunteers!